Cryptogram Solving Tool

Click on a letter in the cypher text, or type Shift-{letter key}, to highlight it. Type the plaintext letter you want to replace it with. The plaintext letter will appear above the cypher text.

Having trouble with this solving tool? A version that is known to work on older browswers is here.


A  0   0%    F  0   0%    K  0   0%    P  0   0%    U  0   0%    Z  0   0%    
B  0   0%    G  0   0%    L  0   0%    Q  0   0%    V  0   0%    
C  0   0%    H  0   0%    M  0   0%    R  0   0%    W  0   0%    
D  0   0%    I  0   0%    N  0   0%    S  0   0%    X  0   0%    
E  0   0%    J  0   0%    O  0   0%    T  0   0%    Y  0   0%    	

Recurring Digraphs

No recurring digraphs found	

Recurring Trigraphs

No recurring trigraphs found	

Double Letters

No doubles found	


No reversals found	

ABA Combinations

No ABA Combinations found