People often say that you can’t feed hot or spicy foods to your worms. Is that true? I decided to find out by feeding jalapenos to my worms.
Author: sbryce
Yogurt in the Worm Bin
One of the things you will often find on people’s do not feed lists is dairy. I am always interested in how far you can break the rules, so I did a worm feeding experiment with yogurt. Here are the results.
Feeding worms meat
Last summer, I posted something about fish fillets in my worm bin. I dug around a few weeks later to see how things were progressing. I didn’t find any sign of the fish fillets. I did find loads of worms in the area where they used to be. I have finally been successful in feeding… Continue reading Feeding worms meat
What kitchen scraps can you feed your worms?
One of the regulars in a Facebook worm composting group likes to use this guideline: If it was ever alive, the worms will eat it. And that is true, with a very few exceptions. After that, it is a matter of personal preference. Feeding is as much an art as it is a science. As… Continue reading What kitchen scraps can you feed your worms?
Feeding Worms Horse Manure
Here is what you need to know about horse manure: It is about the best thing you can feed your worms The C:N ratio of horse manure is perfect. That means you don’t need to mix it with bedding. It is already both a nitrogen source and a carbon source. Don’t worry about dewormers. They… Continue reading Feeding Worms Horse Manure
Balancing Carbon and Nitrogen (Bedding and Food)
To maximize microbe production in the worm bin, there needs to be a balance of carbon and nitrogen in the bin. We call that the C:N ratio. Carbon is used by microbes as food energy, while nitrogen is used for protein production so the microbes can reproduce. In conventional composting, you would balance the carbon… Continue reading Balancing Carbon and Nitrogen (Bedding and Food)
Weed Killers and Compost
Worms love grass clippings. Even more than that, worms love livestock manure. But there is one thing that makes feeding grass clippings and manure from unknown sources risky for the plants your compost will be applied to. As I was walking one evening in a nearby park with my wife, I watched someone on the… Continue reading Weed Killers and Compost
Getting Geeky about Worm Math
I love worms, and I am geeky about numbers, so when someone asks a question on a worm composting forum that involves math, I am usually the one who answers. And questions come up, like, “How many pounds of worms do I need if I want to sell 100 pounds of worms every week?” I’ll… Continue reading Getting Geeky about Worm Math
Where this all started When I was 15, I was interested in fishing, an interest that quickly faded when my lack of success didn’t justify the cost of a fishing license. I liked to use worms for bait, so I decided to try my hand at raising worms, even though it was a somewhat pointless… Continue reading Welcome.